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ActiveRain Monthly Newsletter Series
Our monthly newsletter series allows you to subscribe to a highly targeted monthly bulletin focused on a specific aspect of your real estate business you would like to develop. With tips and advice from many of the top producing real estate agents in the nation, the ActiveRain Bulletin Series gives you unprecedented access to the nuts and bolts of selling a large volume of real estate.

Scripts & Dialogues Course
In realtor prospecting, scripts are around but many people avoid them because when used, or rather over used, they make the realtor sound fake. But scripts can be a good thing. When used correctly, they can be a sale saver.
Coming in 2016 Ben Kinney Training presents a course featuring the powerful scripts that helped him build a business with over 600+ sales a year.
Ben Kinney Training - Advanced Listing Specialist
This brand new course from Ben Kinney is the first of its kind offered anywhere. The Advanced Listing Specialist course is right for you whether you’re building a team or you’re looking for a new opportunity with your team. A seasoned pro or a hungry newcomer.